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I have been writing fiction, poetry, and memoir for most of my life. Writing has been an essential tool for me in processing the joys and sorrows I experience. There are so many issues that I am passionate about in life. As I grow older, and time seems to be running out, I feel an increasing need to get my thoughts and dreams out of my head and into the broader world. I plan to share some of it here with you. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I love writing. 

I believe that we have an obligation to model responsible practices for future generations. These practices encompass everything from family and relationship issues to our interactions in the wider world. I have raised my own four children, and am currently raising two grandchildren. They have all challenged me to be a better citizen so that they may have a more promising future.

I believe that we can make a difference. I hope you will join me.




Percival Everett presents the story of Huckleberry Finn from the perspective of Jim, the enslaved friend of Huck in the novel by Mark Twain. 

James and Huck's adventure on the Mississippi River takes on a new meaning with Jim's intelligence and compassion brought into the narrative. I highly recommend this fantastic book.


The earth is warming. Our pollinators are in decline. Water pollution, the extinction of species at an alarming rate, and an unending list of environmental disasters threaten us all. Often I feel helpless when I think about the future of planet earth. What am I leaving behind for my children and grandchildren?


Screen time addiction has become a severe problem for adults and children alike. The celebrities we see on t.v. and in the news often have more influence on our children than we do. They are in fact called "influencers" on social media. We don't spend enough quality time outdoors, reading, or just sitting with our thoughts.


There are so many small things that we can do as individuals that will add up to big things as a community. With this blog, I hope to explore some of the ways to counteract the pressures on our families and our planet. I will be writing about some of the things that I have done in my own life, and others that I have learned that are going on in the wider world. I hope to start a conversation with and between my readers, where we can encourage each other to keep making the changes that will have a positive impact.


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I live in a small town in Southeastern Michigan with my husband, two grandchildren, one dog, and a few cats. I am a certified Master Gardener, Artist, and Graphic Designer. I am deeply committed to social and environmental practices that can create a healthier world for us all.


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